Dear Friends,
Welcome to Loving the Rainbow, a safe place of sharing and support for those of us who are in someway connected to a person that is part of the LGBTQ+ community; which we will affectionately refer to as “The Rainbow Community.” These individuals have a unique and sometimes new perception of their personal gender identity or romantic interests, frequently displaying it in a colorful flag or symbol for which every color has a meaning.
Lets be honest, it’s not always an easy path for the families of this community; one that requires recognition, acceptance, support, and finally working to embrace our loved ones progression on this journey in their life. So many questions, right?! “How did we even get here…?”
So, this blog is written with you in mind; the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, whoever you may be that has experienced the love, appreciation and participation in the life of someone who is part of The Rainbow Community. My intention here is simple; to support and affirm all of us who make a difference in someone’s life who is part of this special community. And make a difference we do, through love and acceptance. As truly difficult or head spinning that this concept may seem, I genuinely believe love is the way to bridge the gap and positively deal with our internal emotions and the interactions we have with Our Rainbow people as well as other Rainbows in the world. They are still the same blueprint of who they have always been, but now have added new facets to the gem.
I look forward to hearing your comments, thoughts and experiences. Feel free to email me on the Contact tab in the menu. If you would like me to share your thoughts or story, please indicate that in the email and it will be displayed on the Your Thoughts or Story menu option.
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Loving the Rainbow, a safe place of sharing and support for those of us who are in someway connected to a person that is part of the LGBTQ+ community; which I affectionately refer to as “The Rainbow Community.” These individuals have a uniqueness and often new perception of their personal gender identity or romantic interests, sometimes displaying it in a colorful flag for which every color has a meaning.
Lets be honest, it’s not always an easy path for the families of this community; one that requires recognition, acceptance, support, and finally working to embrace our loved ones progression on this journey in their life. So many questions, right?! “How did we even get here…?”
So, this blog is written with you in mind; the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., whoever you may be that has experienced the love, appreciation and participation in the life of someone who is part of The Rainbow Community. My intention here is simple; to support and affirm all of us who make a difference in someone’s life who is part of this special community. And make a difference we do, through love and acceptance. As truly difficult or head spinning that this concept may seem, I genuinely believe love is the way to bridge the gap and positively deal with our internal emotions and the interactions we have with Our Rainbow people as well as other Rainbows in the world. They are still the same blueprint of who they have always been, but now have added new facets to the gem.
I look forward to hearing your comments, thoughts and experiences. Feel free to email me on the Contact tab in the menu. If you would like me to share your thoughts or story, please indicate that in the email and it will be displayed on the Your Thoughts or Story menu option.